Posts Tagged ‘Chester’

11th March

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

My pal Sue. Sorry Sue, I know you said I made you look like an ‘ugly miffer’, but I kinda like the retro lighting so you are getting published anyhow.

7th March 2008

Friday, March 7th, 2008

Man in Cafe, Chester

I spotted this shot while passing. I was drawn to the reflection on the glass obscuring most of the cafe interior, apart from the well lit subject.

1st March 2008

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

This lovely old Triumph bike was given to me by my neighbours Eileen and Frank. It was Eileen’s engagement present from Frank, over 40 years ago.

22nd Febuary

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

You didn’t need to worry about looking hungover. Thanks for letting me take your picture.

14th Febuary

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Street shot, Chester. Thank you for letting me take your picture.

13th Febuary

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Week day filler shots, local park.

11th Febuary 2008

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Tractor shed, A56 Chester/Helsby. I wont be getting up for any more sunrise shots tomorrow, I am far too tired from three sunrise sessions in a row.

“Bouncer” in the local park. I love the bling colar.

7th Febuary 2008

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Fungi Still Life #2. This is the same subject as the first image on this blog, although in much warmer light.

5th Febuary 2008

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

I am really not sure which of these I like the best today. I will sit on it for a while. Spraying water on to little things before shooting them is properly cheating, but I quite like the effect.

5th Febuary 2008

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

My dream machine